To Our Girls: A Group Letter
In honor of International Women’s Day and every day that we get to be your mother, we want to share a few pearls that have inspired us, guided us, pushed us and protected us.
Marisa Ricciardi, Founder & CEO
Miraya & Sarina: The relationships you have in life will make life more enjoyable, so be open but honest with who clicks. You are a collection of the people you spend the most amount of time with. They should be inputs, not outputs or a drain on your life. You can be a boss without being bossy. Have grit, have moxie, have conviction, but always treat everyone with respect.
Meredith Rowley, Client Strategy
To Reagan: If I could harness your energy, your fearlessness, your spunk, your tenderness, your humor, your will and your unwavering competitiveness and present it to you at age 39, I hope it will be like looking in the mirror today (but maybe with your hair brushed). Life will throw you challenges, but do not doubt or let go of your core. You will be your best guide through life’s bumps, and there is no mistake, setback or disappointment that could make daddy or me love you any less—so you be you and you will be great.
Jeanne Cotroneo Darrow, Content Strategy
I have twin boys and I am guilty of telling my boys: girls can do anything boys can do, and usually better. But I also tell them that they are here to make the world a better place—and that it already is because they are in it.
Betsy Simons, Account Director
To Julia:
Be adventurous, be strong, be true to yourself, be true to everyone you love, be kind and generous , be fun, funny, funnier as much as you can.
Deb Larsen, Brand Strategy
Dear Maryn,
To give life is such a gift. To shape it, my greatest responsibility. Whispering to you that you can do anything. Be anything. You can have it all. And a dog. I’d be less than honest if I didn’t tell you it’s a constant struggle. But, honey, it’s so worth it. So, my advice: Read. Travel. Eat. Explore. Laugh. Immerse yourself in figuring out who you are. Find your passion and build it into your life. Make great friends that feel like home, and hang on to them. Lean on your family. We are your constant. Life’s full of moments. Enjoy them. Live them. Remember them. It will always feel like you’re never quite done. Life’s like laundry, you won’t be. And that’s OK. Give yourself a break. There’s always tomorrow.
Jackie Monfort, Client Strategy
Dear Stephanie,
I’ve always told you that you can do and be anything you want. Here’s a very short list of how to use your unique gifts: Use your natural intelligence and strong work ethic to succeed, however you choose to define success. Always be the kind and compassionate person you are, the one who couldn’t bear to leave a stray kitten on the street. And of course those traits made you realize flexibility is key: the “kitten” was pregnant and one cat turned into seven!
Hang on to your personal contradictions. I love that you’re a fierce and competitive athlete who always goes on the field to win, yet can’t stand to watch the Oscars or game shows because “someone always loses.” This gives you the ability to view situations from multiple sides—use it well. I could go on and on but I promised this would be short. It’s a cliché that “life is long and has many chapters” but it’s also true – enjoy each and every one of them.
The Ricciardi Group is a collection of people (mostly women) that have known each other at different points in our lives and chose to (re)unite and work together again. Our points of view may contrast and our approach and style may vary, but motherhood created a bond and a respect that connects us and fills our days with moments of sheer humility. To our children: Being your mom is the job that never ends, and a culmination of our greatest accomplishments.
We love you.